“Beautiful things stimulate the senses, enhance intelligence, and enrich the heart.” To realize this vision, we collaborate with many renowned designers and work uncompromisingly with highly creative individuals from across Japan. We hope that these carefully crafted products will become cherished pieces, treasured in various settings and by many people, and create lasting memories for those who own them.
Lemnos Sustainability 08
JAL ボーイング777 型機のアップサイクルプロジェクト
Lemnos Sustainability 08
ふんぷんくろっく 10周年特別インタビュー
Lemnos Sustainability 06
性別問わず手に取れるジェンダーレスカラー 「ライラック」
Lemnos Sustainability 06
Lemnos Sustainability 03
Lemnos Sustainability 03
素材を活かしていくために -廃材を無くす取り組み-
Lemnos Sustainability 03
ものづくりの歴史を継承すること -長野県上伊那での時計枠作り-
Lemnos Sustainability 01
魂を吹き込む -レムノスの金属製品への想い-